POWYS, Wales, November 6, 2019 (Newswire.com) - Sometimes the best way to get through a tragic experience is to reach out and support others who may be suffering too. That is what Penelope Bourdillon sets out to do in her new book, Hope in the Valley, which recounts her personal journey through grief following the passing of her beloved husband.
In the book’s foreword, Bourdillon says of grief:
“… I must warn you it is a stony path, but remember always that God has provided you with tough boots with which to walk it: in other words, He will be there with you in the hard times. He never gives us more than we can cope with, but we have to learn to trust in Him. He will not take away the pain, but He will help you to bear it, and He can even use your suffering for good.”
Hope in the Valley takes readers through the ups and downs of the author’s own experience as a widow with refreshing candor, and at times, raw emotion, while offering encouragement throughout its 64 pages. The book, which is interspersed with uplifting poems, prayers and verses, does not just target those who have suffered the death of a loved one. It was written for anyone who has suffered a loss – which could also be a divorce, loss of job, status or health. At the heart of her message is the power of faith in the grieving process.
“When I lost Mervyn, I was overcome with agonizing grief and heartache. I felt completely hopeless but sought out ways to ease the pain through total trust in God,” said Bourdillon. “I know that each person’s situation is unique. My hope is that, through the common bond of loss, my story speaks to readers who are in pain so they can soldier on and begin to see a glimmer of light on their way to healing.”
Bourdillon is also the author of How God Can Peel an Onion, a story of spiritual fulfillment.
Hope in the Valley by Penelope Bourdillon is published by AuthorHouse and available in softcover ($13.66) or e-book ($4.99) on Amazon, eBay, Google Play or at AuthorHouse.com.
For more information about the author, go to twitter.com/author_penelope and penelopebourdillon.com.
For Media Inquiries contact: AuthorHouse PR Department, media@authorsolutions.com
Source: Penelope Bourdillon, Author