MIAMI, April 7, 2020 (Newswire.com) - Stressed out by the new “normal”? Need ideas for how to cope? Fighting with siblings? Bored? Need to hear a good joke? Want help pulling the perfect prank? Now a group of kids with cancer – who know exactly what it’s like to be isolated – are taking their advice, cheer and life lessons to CAMEO. And, at the same time, raising funds for FAM, whose mission is supporting families whose children are dealing with life-threatening and life-altering illnesses.
Launched in 2019, FAM raising funds to help families with lodging costs during their children’s hospital stays, commuting to medical appointments, special gifts for the kids, assistance paying medical bills – even funerals. In fact, 100 percent of funds raised have gone straight to the cause with operational expenses covered by a benefactor. The organization is led by Milk Tyson, a former Hollywood insider, and staffed on a wholly volunteer basis by 20+ moms – each of whom know firsthand what it is like to have a child who is fighting or has lost the fight with a terminal illness. Hence the name behind the FAM acronym – Fighting All Monsters.
“No one knows what it feels like to be isolated like kids with cancer and other diseases. Weakened immune systems and year after year of long hospital stays have given them insights that may just come in handy for those of us adapting to the lifestyle changes necessitated by this pandemic,” said Tyson.
That’s where CAMEO™ Marketplace comes in. CAMEO is an app that lets the public book personalized videos from their favorite talent. Which in this case just happens to be childhood cancer superheroes like nine-year-old Layla Mosley, who has Ewings sarcoma and loves horses, music and rainbows; or nine-year-old, Ke’yair Christie, who has Stage 4 osteosarcoma and enjoys playing video games, building LEGOs and playing pranks; and 15-year-old Will Walker, an amputee with synovial sarcoma, who love the Chiefs, video games and making people laugh. For $25, they’ll give some life advice, tips for staying busy, make supporters giggle, or even provide some comforting words – with all proceeds going to FAM.
“These kids are wise beyond their years and have a lot of sage advice to give. Their perspectives on life, their coping skills and their amazing humor can be especially inspiring for all of us during this crazy time,” he added. “And at the same time, those who purchase their cameos are giving them some needed moral support.”
Tyson says they chose CAMEO because at the core of FAM’s mission is to get the kids and families involved in community-building and awareness-raising activities to give them hope and makes them feel supported. Case in point: their campaign to get Puff Daddy to dance with them on the Ellen Show. (Spoiler alert – they accomplished their goal and appeared on the show in January!)
“What never ceases to amaze me is that no matter what these kids are faced with, they always jump at the chance to help others. That is what the latest fundraiser is all about,” he said.
To find out more about how to support the CAMEO fundraiser and choose a FAM Cancer Warrior message, go to cameo.com/onearmwilliex8; cameo.com/layla22 or
cameo.com/prince_keyair. For more information about FAM, go to joinourfam.org.
For media inquiries contact: emily@joinourfam.org or 602-793-9864
Source: FAM